Faculdade de Engenharia de Bauru - UNESP


On Going Research Projects

Apoio a Projetos de Pesquisa / Chamada CNPq/VALE S.A N° 05/2012 - FORMA-ENGENHARIA - Processo 455620/2012-1

Introdução à Robótica - Apoio a Projetos de Pesquisa / Chamada Nº 18/2013 MCTI/CNPq/SPM-PR/Petrobras - Meninas e Jovens Fazendo Ciências Exatas, Engenharias e Computação - Processo 420335/2013-7

Controle de Vibração em Estruturas Espaciais - Chamada Pública MCTI/CNPq Nº 14/2013 - Universal / Universal 14/2013 - Faixa A - Processo 473287/2013-7


Journal Papers

Silva, G. H., Paupitz Gonçalves, P. J. A model for computing vibration induced stresses of electronic components in a general flexible mounting. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Academic Press, 2013, 332, 5192-5206

Goncalves, P., Brennan, M., Elliott, S. Numerical evaluation of high-order modes of vibration in uniform Euler--Bernoulli beams. Journal of sound and vibration, Academic Press, 2007, 301, 1035-1039

Bueno, D. D., Marqui, C. R., Sandoval Góes, L. C. Gonçalves, P. J. P. The Use of Gramian Matrices for Aeroelastic Stability Analysis. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2013, 2013

Bueno, D. D., Marqui, C. R., Góes, L., Gonçalvez, P. J. Aeroelastic stability analysis using linear matrix inequalities. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, SciELO Brasil, 2012, 34, 545-551

PhD Thesis

Collaboration with Industry

We have been involved in developing research projects in collaboration with some companies. The first two project we have developed was proposed by Embraer with the objective of modeling nonlinear damping from experimental tests.

